What are Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies are a method discovered by a British physician, Dr. Edward Bach in the1930s. There are 38 remedies and each is directed at a particular characteristic or emotional state.
Dr. Bach believed that there were seven types of people based on their reactions to illness. His list of types are:
- fear
- uncertainty
- loneliness
- oversensitivity
- lack of interest in present circumstances
- despondency
- over-concern for others
Dr. Bach believed that these issues, unaddressed, were responsible for illness and that the emotions and negative moods needed to be addressed.
What are Bach Flower Remedies used for?
The Bach Flower Remedies are used for:
- anxiety
- stress
- depression
- lack of confidence
- emotional and physical trauma
The Remedies are safe and can be used by adults, children and pets.
Most of the remedies are sold in liquid form. Linda can work with you to find the right remedy or combination of remedies to meet your needs.
You can learn more about Bach Flower Remedies at the Bach Centre.