Misconception #2 - I don't think I can be hypnotized

In the previous blog entry, I discussed the first misconception about hypnosis:  Fear of losing control.  Due primarily to the entertainment industry, many people wind up thinking that being hypnotized means giving over control to someone else, usually a hypnotist, who is typically someone they have never met before.

And while it’s true that I have never met most of my clients prior to the phone call they initiate with me, people tend to like me quite a lot, and rapport and trust are usually easily and quickly built between us.

Most Famous Question Asked of Me About Hypnosis

Will I bark like a dog when hypnotized?And speaking of those initial phone calls and the fear of loss of control during hypnosis…this is especially when people ask me perhaps the most famous of all questions I’m ever asked, “When I come in to see you, are you going to make me bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken?”

Answer:  Only if you want me to!  

What we offer here at Balanced Life Hypnosis is client-centered hypnosis. What this means is that we focus our efforts specifically on what you tell us you want. If you tell us you want to quack like a duck, well…okay. (Of course, nobody has ever asked us for that for real.)

One other point to mention here: All hypnosis is self-hypnosis. What this means is that even when you choose to work with a hypnotist like me in my office, my role is to guide you into the state of hypnosis on purpose. When you follow our directions, you will create hypnosis; if you don’t follow our directions, you most likely won’t and we can’t make you. Why? Because as the person being hypnotized, you always retain control.

Misconception #2:  I don’t think I can be hypnotized

Understanding your brainwaves

Hypnosis is actually a brainwave state.

  • When we are about as alert and awake as we ever are, we are in beta brainwave state and our brainwaves are running about as fast as they ever do.
  • When the brainwaves slow down to the next level we are in alpha state. An example of this is when we daydream. Alpha also happens to be a light state of hypnosis.
  • Slow the brain waves down again and now we’re in theta. This is where meditators strive to be, and it’s also a deeper state of hypnosis. One of my take-away’s from reading a book by the great hypno-author and teacher, Charles Tebetts, is that if those Transcendental Meditators would just add in suggestions they would have hypnosis!
  • The s--l--o--w--e--s--t brainwave state is delta, most commonly referred to as sleep.

From this description of brainwaves, you can discern that we travel through the hypnotic state each time we go to sleep as well as each time we wake up. Plus when we naturally dip into daydreaming, we are in a light state of hypnosis. (There are other examples of hypnosis that we experience during regular waking hours that I’ll share in future posts.)

You are in a natural state of hypnosis daily

Teaching a client about these brainwaves usually helps people who think they can’t be hypnotized, to begin to understand that they’ve actually been in a natural state of hypnosis on a daily basis. Plus, I’ve found that it’s these clients who are very likely to drift into hypnosis quite quickly during their sessions here.

If you have ever considered being hypnotized to help you achieve one of your goals, but were concerned that you weren’t hypnotizable, please call us here at (315) 254-0580. We love talking about hypnosis and how it works and how it can help you breakthrough any struggles you may be facing.

Next blog post: Surprise, surprise – another misconception.

Linda Gilmore

Certified Hypnotist, Instructor and Coach

4914 West Genesee Street
Camillus, New York 13031
   (315) 254-0580


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Serving Upstate New York, and especially Central New York including the Greater Syracuse area and The North Country.


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